We’ve Collected and Analyzed

Now what should we do?

Further study

It is perfectly acceptable – and often wise – to continue to do further data collection and analysis. You will see that our project has been going on for over 4 years and is continually adapting and moving forward.

Feedback loop to inform programming

Take time throughout and at the “end” to use the findings to inform and improve the programming. How often should this happen? Find a balance between overwhelming yourselves with constant feedback and blindly moving along without an understanding of what is happening.

Reports and “reports”

At the end, don’t forget to allot time and space to report back on your findings. You will see in our appendices that we have produced technical reports that lay out the methods and outcomes of the work. But don’t forget that there are other ways – “reports” – to share the findings – brochures, webpages, artistic creations, and, yes, even guides like this one.


Finally, don’t miss the opportunity to share the good news of your work and the lesson learned. Others can learn from your experience so look to make presentations on your evaluation work to peers and larger networks.

Do we stop? Now? Ever?

At some point, you must say “enough is enough” but always push to ask more/different questions. These questions and evaluations lead to a better understanding of your work and, hopefully, a better work product and experience for everyone involved.