fresh inc day 2 - arts start-up, educational outreach, and Twitter



What a great second day! We started things off with instrumental lessons, then off to a couple of lightning-speed workshops. The first was Arts Start-Up, a session in which Melissa led the participants through the process of identifying their artist/mission statements, figuring out what musical activities they'd like to pursue, then determining the best business structure to support their artistic vision. We even had some drawing fun with crayons!

Following that, an educational outreach session with Crystal, which began with our rendition of Dave Crawley's poem "I Will Not Tease Rebecca Grimes" and Mozart's "Rondo alla Turca."

Crystal goes over the basics of educational concert program and residency design, and some of the philosophy behind how 5HE puts together its curricular work. Later this week, fresh inc participants join us at the Boys and Girls Club for a performance of our "Music Can Tell a Story" program, as well as a composition workshop for kids.

Following that, a full afternoon of rehearsals, including this one on Paquito d'Rivera's Aires Tropicales with participants Grace Lai and Erin Cameron along with members of 5HE.

Between rehearsals, Kyle grabbed the best practice room in the house! Outdoor marimba, anyone?

After an afternoon of rehearsals, we are joined via iChat by James Buckhouse, Director of Corporate Design at Twitter. He's had an incredibly multi-faceted career as an illustrator, animator for Dreamworks, and social media guru. He tells us that the common thread between all of these different things is the concept of crafting a compelling story. James leads us through the thought process behind interacting on Twitter, building relationships and curating the kind of content that people can't wait to share. We were so delighted to have him join us digitally!!

The last activity of the night was the first of many salon concerts we'll be holding over the next 2 weeks. These are an opportunity for us to workshop pieces we're developing during the festival, or share pieces we've brought along for the ride. Millie was present, in a face mask provided by Uncle Davy.

Looking forward to a full day of rehearsals tomorrow, and a performance at the Milwaukee Art Museum on Thursday at noon!

PS: Because we couldn't let Millie have all the fun, here are some photos of 5HE faculty in uncannily well-chosen face masks, courtesy of Uncle Davy!