Good Advice from a Student: Having Fun!
A little over a week ago, I was able to listen to four amazing student horn players compete in the Rembrandt Chamber Music Competition. They are some of the busiest people I know, but when they bring their talents together to make music on a high level they still manage to have a good time!
I asked one of them how they felt after a more recent competition: “Honestly, I’m not really even sure how it went--all I could think about was how much fun it was. It was probably the most fun I’ve had in a performance”.
The girl who spoke these words is one of the students that I have the great pleasure of coaching at the Merit School of Music. She, like the other members of Horn Revolution, has a good ear and is frequently self-critical. Yet, after a difficult competition program, this was her response. It reminded me what the point of all this music making really is!
Check out their honorable mention performance at Rembrandt!
This week's WIBP was written by Matt, our resident horn player. Matt teaches at the Merit School of music, and while we were all really bummed that Winter Storm Nemo canceled our trip to the New England Conservatory last weekend, the weekend actually worked out perfectly for Matt -- he was able to be in town to hear his students compete!