The Augmented Fifth - 1/21/2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

What's a place like you doing in a girl like this? For those of you joining the party for the first time, welcome! You'll find that the door automatically locks behind you so we can hang out in this blog forever!

Fifth House Ensemble is on a roll! Lots of exciting stuff is happening so fasten your seatbelt. Get ready for your weekly dose of good stuff and additional stereotypical phrases. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand go!






8:00pm (Eastern)




Every week when I do this section, I go to my phone and look at whatever is at the top of my Recently Added music, because most often that's what I'm randomly digging this week. Some weeks, that method is a miserable failure because I can't be original all the time with new stuff.

Contrary to that, this week was a breeze because I just finished watching Freaks and Geeks for the first time and holy mother, that show has some good music. Did you know that the biggest chunk of that show's budget was to get the rights for the music? It's true, look it up.

Anyhow, check out this little gem by April Wine. You're welcome.


TOP 10

  1. The Reed Trio had a performance at the Merit School of Music on Saturday. I hope those kids rocked out to Tansman as much as I usually do.

  2. Eric and Parker rolled out some delicious info on Fifth House's education offerings at Ingenuity's annual Music Summit. It was fun to only be two tables away from Henhouse Prowlers. Oh and free beer.

  3. Had a full ensemble meeting with Stefan Hersch. Thanks for making us ironclad in our presentations for students and....everyone!

  4. Michael attended the shortest rehearsal of all time. I'll be contacting Guinness soon...

  5. Charlene, Katherine, Parker, Deuce, and Eric attended training for work in the detention center. It was long but I'm happy to say that all of us got a 100% on the final exam! (I'm fairly certain we all got a 100% on the pre-test too, but just be happy for us, ok?)

  6. Herine's child has been learning to use Tide Pods the correct way and can now proudly state that they are not gummies, but in fact, poison. THIS IS HOW YOU PARENT, AMERICA!

  7. Elizandro played some mean bass clarinet on Friday night. We're glad you bought that thing.

  8. Danny bought a Nintendo Switch. Party at Danny's!

  9. Jessica did her best phone switch operator impression this week. If this keeps up, we could put you in the olympics for relaying information so quickly. They have relays in the winter olympics right? For phones?

  10. Parker spent 45 minutes talking to sixth graders about his career as a musician. Don't be alarmed when every one of those kids becomes famous soloists after those inspirational words.




at Eastman School of Music

Can't believe that fits!



[video width="640" height="360" mp4=""][/video]

Special thanks to Jessica Wolfe for this one. It's about time you people started pulling your weight with this thing.



Welcome to the new, permanent segment to the Augmented Fifth! (That is unless you all hate it). Inspired by the random things I do, hear, and say throughout the week, find a short tidbit of thought to start off your conversations with people from all walks of life for at least a week.


Every machine is a smoke machine if you use it wrong enough



For those who like Soft Rock



Fly Eagles Fly! Don't let those Vi-Queens think that they are actually worth anything.



Oh did you need some info about arts programming in your school? Just go to the table with the most handsome gentlemen in the room.

Nice to meet you.



Eric Snoza

Thanks for being a great CPS wingman!