Issue 30
I'll save the mushy stuff for later, but hey guess what, you've survived an entire season of reading the Augmented Fifth! We do enjoy your company and hope you've enjoyed your experience. The calendar might say we're done, but Google doesn't own me yet so I have a feeling we'll be back fairly soon...
In this, our last week of the season, we are extremely excited to have our final performance at the Nancy B. Jefferson School! These young women have worked so hard and we can't wait to share these projects with a live audience!
Nancy B. Jefferson School
5:30pm (invite only)
Swift Elementary
Thank you! - written by Parker Nelson
Well somehow, we were able to end the season with a round number of 30 issues. Just dumb luck I suppose because I just started this whole things on a whim one day. Because this is the last "official" issue of the Augmented Fifth 1.0, I wanted to use our Weekly Spotlight to highlight the most important part of this blog, YOU! Without our readers, there would be no reason to write this every week. You all have been so great with feedback about things you'd like to see or changes you'd like us to make and I promise that you'll be seeing a lot of those things in Augmented Fifth 2.0 coming next season.
For those of you who simply can't wait that long, I've got good news. The annual fresh inc festival blog is joining forces with our crazy antics this year and we will be here, same channel, with a little bit more frequency to tell you all about our crazy happenings in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
In the meantime, have a good summer, stay cool, and one additional typical summer send off phrase.
From all of your friends here at Fifth House Ensemble, thank you for a great season!
From the journal of Uncle Traveling Matt:
"We're getting ready for a two week festival in Wisconsin and once again, Ol' Uncle Traveling Matt is being asked to pull his own weight. In anticipation of teaching some workshops this summer, Parker has been coaching me on some of my public speaking skills. You can see me here focusing very hard while practicing in front of a mirror (a very good practice, indeed). Hopefully this will lessen my chances of figuratively falling on my face next week!"
New song for the long weekend!
TOP 10
A very special thank you to Carolyn from Chicago House for coming to our last full ensemble meeting to help teach us all about gender and smalls ways in which we can be more accommodating in our work. (Also, thank you to Danny for setting it all up!)
Grace, Deuce, and Parker had some performances of MCTAS through Music Institute of Chicago. We'll have one more before this next week is out!
Hooray for fresh inc workshop prep! Special thank you to all the folks who took and helped update photos in our workshop presentations!
Just when you thought they were done, the Americana trio keeps on trucking as they prepare for our upcoming Rush Hour Concerts performance this summer!
Deuce wrapped up our work at TLP for the year with some awesome post-assessment work
This should really be tied for 5, but Katherine also wrapped up Deb's Place work with assessments of our residency. We'll be back with CURL this week for some more fun interviews and focus groups!
Jessica has been working hard to get all of our programming and show data organized for next year.
Hey, Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Melissa has been hard at work (as usual) prepping lots of opportunities for next season and beyond!
It's almost visa time for the Tuva trip folks! Ahhh!!!
One more week to go,
Nancy B. Jefferson School,
Hold onto your seats!
We have a lot of good parents in Fifth House Ensemble. This is not a video of any of them.
If you sat down on your own voodoo doll, you wouldn't be able to get up.
The Eric Snoza Story
Home made ramen round 2!
Absolutely cannot wait for this!